Chief Scientific Officer
Whirly Labs
Whirly Labs offers both security consulting and custom static analysis solutions for companies of all sizes. I oversee the development of in-house program analysis tools as well as the development of custom program visibility solutions offered to our clients. We are also research partners with Stellenbosch University through which I share primary contact a longside our CTO, Prof. Dr. Fabian Yamaguchi.
Jan 2023 - Present
Class Assistant and Hons Project Co-Supervisor
Stellenbosch University
Help students with course material during fixed sessions and online. Courses I have assisted or am currently assisting with are: vulnerability discovery and code analysis, functional programming, databases and web programming, computer networks, software engineering, and applied discrete mathematics.
February 2019 - Dec 2022
AWS, Santa Clara, CA
June 2022 - September 2022
Under the Amazon CodeGuru group as an applied science intern, we successfully collaborated on a novel static code analysis rule mining pipeline that resulted in the acceptance of the following paper at ICSE'23:
A Language-agnostic Framework for Mining Static Analysis Rules from Code Changes
ACI Worldwide, CPT
December 2019 - January 2020
Frontend development in Angular 8 for payment terminal management software. Involved processing an input file, converting rows and transforming data into models, iterating through collection of models and posting resulting model to API. All features tested with Jasmin and E2E on a Jenkins pipeline.
MWR InfoSecurity, JHB
June 2019
Created a full-stack Vue.js, Tornado, MariaDB web application within two weeks from scratch. Deployed each of the three components using Docker and Docker Compose.
ACI Worldwide, CPT
November 2018 - January 2019
Maintained and added features to in-store software (Angular 6/Spring Boot/MSSQL) developed in the last internship (June 18 - July 18) and ended internship with being part of the architectural team for developing new time logging software. (Java)
ACI Worldwide, CPT
June 2018 - July 2018
Working under Postilion L3 Support to create maintenance and diagnostic software as web applications (Angular 6/Spring Boot/MS SQL) for clients and Help 24.
ACI Worldwide, CPT
November 2017 - January 2018
Working under Postilion L3 Support to create product enhancements for already present diagnostics software (Java) to serve clients and Help 24.